Monday, July 7, 2008

Christi & Jeremy

For those of you who haven't visited their website lately, click on Christi & Jeremy, then click on "home updates" in the left column, and have fun reading the last 5 or so entries. Hilarious. Oh but start on the Happy Independence Day and then move up.
Also, as for the talk of a reunion, when is the best time for everyone to get together? Weekends? Summer? Fall? I would like some input so maybe we can actually plan one!


The Barclay Family said...

About the reunion- If we have one in the Summer, week days are better for us. Mondays are ideal, because Chad's store is closed. Fall is getting into our busy season, especially Saturdays. Anytime would be fun though!

tl said...

If the reunion were in the fall weekends would work best for us. If it is sometime during the summer (before aug 20) we shouldn't have any problem getting off of work. Tuesdays work best for my dad because it is his day off. has becky had her baby yet?