Tuesday, June 2, 2009


When: July 24, 2009 Eat at 5:00 PM
Where: Richfield Lion's Park (Near Swimming Pool)
Bring: You, all your family, and a salad or dessert (If you are traveling far, don't worry about bringing something. There will be plenty for all.)

Plan to arrive whenever you can. There will be games, activities, swimming if you want, and lots of visiting.
We decided to do it in Richfield instead of Fishlake for convenience, however, anyone who wants to go to Fishlake on Saturday is welcome. If you want to stay overnight, they will have church on Sunday up there. Just let one of us know, and we will make arrangements to stay at either Grandma's cabin or Kathy's.


The Barclay Family said...

Sounds fun! We will be looking forward to it.

Leslie said...

Count us in! We've had it on the calendar! Yay!

Shaul Family said...

Todd will be starting a new job on July 2oth & then we have a wedding we need to be back for on the 25th. So I need to attempt this possibly with the kids. We are planning on being there for 4th of July though. I'll call you LaRita (or you call me). I've been forgetful lately

tl said...

How did it go? I want pictures soon!