Friday, November 14, 2008

Grandma's Foot

Grandma went to the doctor yesterday. He told her she has the most "unique" injury he has seen all year! She actually called him the day before to ask about the blister, because it just kept getting bigger and bigger. (We decided it was about the size of a half of a large orange sitting on top of her foot!) Anyway, he told her to poke it so she did. She said lots and lots of stuff ozzed out of it, but it felt better to not have so much pressure.

Her garage is almost finished. The sheetrockers have been there and Don has all of the siding on the outside. It is really nice! My favorite is her new driveway and sidewalk. I totally agree with Melissa...I would love to have something like it at my house. They did stained, stamped concrete. I told Don yesterday it is almost too pretty to drive on!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I'm looking forward to seeing her driveway! I love stained/stamped concrete--I agree--I would love to have it at my house. It seems so lush! Sad we'll be missing Thanksgiving--it's Jeremy's family's year for their HUGE reunion. However, after Christmas, I'm TOTALLY there. And visiting EVERYONE.