Saturday, August 2, 2008

What a Great Family!

Thanks so much to everyone for your thoughts and prayers! What a great family we have. So far I have been told that I have a heart murmor (or however you spell it!), and my heart is "moderatly enlarged" I have the same problem with my aortic valve that Dean has. Both of us have a valve with only two flaps when there should be three, so it leaks which makes the heart work harder. From the test I had run last week, they are recommending that I meet with a Cardiac surgeon to evaluate everything, so I don't know too much yet. They said they may just watch it for a while and make sure it doesn't get any worse. We will let you know when we know anything else. Like I said, thanks so much to our wonderful family! Dean and Gracie will be in our prayers! Love to all. Diane

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